September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My gf and I are trying to start our own little “book club”, but the books we’ve tried so far have been rather dull. Here are some of the things we’re looking for:

    • Grabs your attention very early in the book, no slow burns
    • A good amount of interpersonal drama
    • We both enjoy sci-fi
    • Supernatural/paranormal elements
    • She enjoys history

    The suggestion can have any combination of these elements. Really none of them are mandatory, except the one about drama (she loves messy situations lol)

    by Zero_Gravvity


    1. A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik is great and 3 part series!

      A River Enchanted by Rebecca Ross is a 2 part series I couldn’t put down!

    2. Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles –A magic Inn, space werewolves and vampires, a lot of really unique aliens, mystery, romance, action, a fun and humorous series

    3. I think the Locked Tomb Series would be good. those characters are a trainwreck. also action, sci-fi and supernatural elements

    4. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo chalk full of sci-fi fantasy and can be described as “what if imperial Russia had wizards” plus a love triangle.

    5. S.M Stirling’s The Change Series captures science fiction, history and paranormal. There is a companion series Islands of Time that is amazing. Nothing else like Stirling for massive world building.

    6. Troiswallofhair on

      World War Z fits the bill nicely. It is broken up into short stories of different people around the world, so it makes an ideal book for starting/stopping and discussion. It has sci-fi and slight paranormal. Ignore the bad movie. Do the audiobook if possible.

      Project Hail Mary is one of the better Sci-fi books from the last few years and the Murderbot Diaries are some of the better series. The latter are novellas so very easy and fun to read through.

      For a bit of history, The Pillars of the Earth is very readable and interesting – you would both like it and it does grab you pretty quickly.

      If you like Six of Crows, you’d like Lies of Locke Lamorra.

    7. Left hand of darkness by Ursula K Leguin – not too long, really engaging and such a simple sci fi story that is also very epic at times. One of the main elements is a human on another planet who learns how to socially work in another being’s world, but there is a good plot thrust to keep it interesting through the whole thing.

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