September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I use Audible for listening to audiobooks, but only prefer non-fiction (never got used to listening fiction). I'd appreciate recommendations for books you enjoyed, having good recordings. It can be any topic, EXCEPT I don't prefer history or self-help.

    e.g. recently I listened to Free Agents by Kevin Mitchell and Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake, both of which I quite enjoyed, and they were narrated by the authors themselves.

    by sofie_ser


    1. *How to Speak Whale* by Tom Mustill. It’s about decoding the language of whales and I loved that the audiobook contains recordings of whale song, which a printed book obviously can’t. I also like the author’s voice.

    2. An Immense World by Ed Yong- all about different ways animals sense the world around us. every new chapter blew my mind. I read it, but when I recommended it to my brother he listened to the audiobook and said it was fantastic.

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