September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A really close friend who’s battled with addictions to opiates and substances for the past 5+ years since 18 (myself right alongside her) just recently got arrested in jail again for possession. She’s been in and out of jail for the past few years and has gone through some very difficult struggles and hardships growing up. Behind all of this , though she is a really amazing girl and I would give anything for her to turn her life around.

    I would like to believe that she wants it. She says she does, and I myself have dealt with the shackles of addiction (meth, a bunch of other things) for the same time; I just have been better at laying low and off the radar.

    She called me and asked if I’d send her books to read. And I thought it would be really cool and beneficial to find a really great thought provoking book for her and I both to read and be able to chat about over the phone like a book group.

    Anyone have a book that they’ve read that really changed their life in a good way? Mental health? Addiction? Anything?

    by MentalTax3514


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