September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm working on a project to convert all my old books into eBook format. Generally I try to locate an online PDF that I can convert, although when I can't do that I have access to a high quality book scanner that I use.

    In the case of this particular book I've located a PDF but there are a few lines that are garbled. Unfortunately my copy is boxed away and I really don't want to have to dig it out. Does anyone have a copy that they can easily access that they can help me to decipher a few lines? If so message me. Otherwise I'll have to dig through multiple boxes in my attic and that will not be a fun process for me.

    by nomad_1970

    1 Comment

    1. You know, I actually might. I had that book as a kid and my mom has never thrown away a book. I’m seeing her this weekend and will look in her library.

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