September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. quickbrassafras on

      I would have to say Fingersmith. I kept waiting for it to be amazing, but it’s too dark for me, and  lewd but not sexy, just like creepy old men being creepy old men

    2. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

      Unlikeable, uninteresting characters, melodrama in the backstory, author tries to show off fancy thesaurus words that don’t elevate the text, more melodrama, sloppy shoehorned political statements, boring as all fuck despite the melodrama. I could go on. I enjoyed the first third, got bored around the middle, and actively despised the last third.

      I hate myself a little for finishing it. This is the book that taught me it’s ok to DNF

    3. sadworldmadworld on

      Always the worst when you start a book with high expectations only to finish and feel nothing 🙁

      *When Breath Becomes Air*: I perhaps sholud not speak ill >!of the dead!< but the author sounded like a pretentious, bizarrely out-of-touch, and generally unempathetic person.

      *In Five Years: A Novel****:*** Anyone who has read this book probably understands. Wtaf was that ending? Made me feel weirdly baited.

      *A Thousand Splendid Suns*: Meh, the book and its characters felt kind of one-dimensional. I’ve also heard questionable things about the author’s motivations politically, so probably won’t check out Kite Runner.

      *Beyond That, The Sea*: Falls in the “gotten the least from” category, although I fittingly don’t really remember why. I think there were some pretty well-developed characters and relationships and there were some interesting questions brought up, but overall, meh.

      *Pachinko*: Meh. Focused on too many characters who I had literally 0 investment in by the end.

      *Flowers for Algernon*: I know, I know. Book-Charlie just *sucks.* I would go “okay, that’s intentional, he’s supposed to be emotionally immature” but Keyes’ belief in Freudian psychoanaly*s*is seeps into the text in a way that made me think not all of Charlie’s emotional immaturity was intentional. I’ve heard brilliant things about the short story and I think it’s less this way, so I will perhaps read that after enough time has passed for me to forget Book-Charlie.

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