September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone! I enjoy a good book but have never been an avid reader because unless I am very invested and need to know what happens next, I won't finish it. I like books that will keep me on the edge of my seat, something like a thriller or a mystery. Romance can be good sometimes too but only if there's some mystery or suspense to it. I read the institute by Stephen King earlier this year and that kept me on the edge of my seat and invested, I really enjoyed that one. I can't remember what they were called, but I also read a couple biker gang romance books earlier this year that I enjoyed. I'm currently trying to read the green mile but I'm pretty bored with it. Does anybody have any recommendations? If you're recommending romance novels, I can't handle anything that is super dark. For example, I tried a dark romance book recommended on Tiktok and didn't get past the first chapter because as soon as it started going into SA, I couldn't continue. Thanks in advance!

    by soupy-c


    1. If you liked SK’s The Institute, you may like his Fairy Tale.

      Also, SK’s Mr. Mercedes trilogy is driven by a detective searching for a murderer.

      (Big Stephen King fan here. 😀 )

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