September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone! I'm just some 32 year old guy who never really enjoyed reading when I was younger. The last book I remember reading is Of Mice in Men because it was required by my school's curriculum.

    Lately, I've been craving a good story that doesn't come from a movie. A lot of movies lately have left me quite disappointed. It's either a crappy reboot, or a boring sequel. So, I decided to give reading a go!

    I purchased "The Will of the Many" by James Islington and I am about to sit down and get it started and I'm kind of excited.

    Curious though, what other books would be good to get into reading? I love fantasy and mysteries. Twists are great! And what tips, if any, would you have for someone getting into reading?

    by Muufftv

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