September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 19 and not an avid reader. I've been in a long distance relationship since 15 with a woman I hope to marry and live a happy life with. After quitting a recent hobby of mine for time reasons, I've been at a careful balancing act between working on a lucrative career to support a good future versus not letting my youth and ability to have a social life outright die.

    If you don't care about the "why" start here↓↓↓

    Recently I reread "Three Days of Happiness" by Sugaru Miyaki. Although, the novel's themes were nothing I've never heard of or thought of before, it still made me take a step back and think about how I currently live my life and contribute value to the people around me. Also, I'm a sucker for bittersweet romances that are infamous for somewhat melancholic but good endings.

    Currently I want to expand my perspective on life particularly when it comes to aspects relating to relationships both intimate and non intimate. I want books that gets me thinking and presents arguments for a case that either I have never thought about or I haven't given much thought to. Knowing myself I'd probably not commit if it was nonfiction unless it really captivated me so try to keep the recommendation fiction. I also like those bittersweet romances so those are welcome as well.

    TL;DR: Give me books that would give me a fresh perspective on life that I seldom or never considered. I want to broaden my perspective. Try to keep fiction but nonfiction is still welcome.

    by Careless_Complaint

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