September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Currently reading Final Cut by SJ Watson but it’s not doing it for me and I don’t want to keep reading. I can’t get into the characters and the dialogue is annoying me, but I kinda want to know what happened.

    I’ve always had a problem with not being able to DNF books and usually force myself to keep reading but I’m making an effort this year to stop wasting my time on books I’m not enjoying (i’m too old for that nonsense). The problem is it’s going to bother me if I never know the ending.

    Does anyone feel like giving me a run down? I’d really appreciate it.

    I think I’ll have to give Watson a miss from now on. I really loved “Before I go to Sleep”, but DNFed second life and now this..


    by FoundTheSweetSpot

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