September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For an English class I'm taking, I've got to find a foreign novel to read, and I'm pretty interested in Japanese Mythology.

    I'd love a horror novel about Japanese spirits or even a romance novel! I have no idea where to start looking so I figured I'd just ask reddit, as one does.

    It needs to be at least 200 pages long, and I don't want a collection of short stories, if possible.

    by JustAReandomPerson

    1 Comment

    1. I just recommended this in another thread but I’ll recommend it again since it works here! The *Red Winter* series by Annette Marie is based on Japanese mythology so there are kami and yokai characters. It’s a YA fantasy series, no horror but there is romance.

      Edit: Oops it’s not written by a Japanese author though so maybe this won’t work for you.

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