September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Roughly 13% of the population over 12 years old use illegal drugs in the US according to the CDC. I want to read memoirs/books about them and their lives.

    I do not want to read stories in which these people are reduced to inspirations due to their journeys in recovery.
    I do not want to read stories in which they are reduced to learning lessons.
    I think drug users have more than 2 possible outcomes, and I want to read about those.

    by c0ntrap0sitive


    1. Oh my there are so many. Two nonfiction that I love: 

      _Drugs Without the Hot Air_ by David Nutt

      _Drug Use for Grown Ups_ by Carl Hart 

      And one fiction:

      _A Scanner Darkly_ by Philip K Dick

    2. Rudy Ruckers Ware tetralogy include all kinds of fun, recreational drug use with a few exciting but cautionary aspects.

      A lot of the Beat writers explore drug use in mixed ways: Kerouac, Burroughs etc. Tom Wolfe’s Electruc Kool Aid Acid Test is a great read about LSD and its adherents in the 60s.

      Probably not what you mean but underground comics include all kinds of drug use as content: Crumb is the most famous exemplar but there is all sorts of stuff published by Kitchen Sink, Fantagraphics and similar publishers.

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