September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, I have ADHD and am big into video games. I've been gradually building up my attention span and have slowly been getting back into reading. I would really like something to read that is similar to some games that I have been playing recently: Bioshock, SOMA and Portal. The main appeal for me is the dystopian setting and general sci-fi themes; I really like seeing how societal structures function under bizarre circumstances. I also like sorta scary or unsettling things, not sure if I can handle full-blown horror, I handled reading Alien, but I had to DNF The Long Walk because I found it a bit too gore-y lol. I'm pretty open to suggestions, so if you guys have any recommendations please let me know. That being said, my attention span is still pretty cooked so I would prefer things on the shorter end (up to about 300 pages if possible). I'm happy to link my Goodreads if that provides a better sense of the books that I like to read, just let me know, I'm not sure if that would be breaking the self-promotion rule here. Thank you!

    by rockmelon-soda

    1 Comment

    1. For a dystopian sci-fi read that’s not too long, try The Road by Cormac McCarthy or Fahrenheit 451by Ray Bradbury. Both explore unsettling societal structures and themes similar to Bioshock and SOMA. Happy reading!!

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