September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently listened to 'We Used to Live Here' by Marcus Kliewer, and I'm chasing that high again!! The narrator was so talented, it truly felt like I was watching a movie. I was captivated. It didn't feel like some boring narrator reading from a script, but someone truly acting.

    So my question is, what are the most immersive audiobooks that will hook you and have you feel like you're watching a movie?? Please suggest!! TIA

    by Brave_Opportunity958


    1. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      Steven Pacey’s performance in Joe Abercrombie’s *First Law* series is second-to-none.

    2. The Amazing Robot: Alex

      Jonathan Connors really reads it like he’s reading to a circle of people. Seems like he was really enjoying it.

      I have a promo code for the first book if you like. Just message me for a US or UK promo code.

    3. Best Narrator: Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman

      Second Best Narrator (by a slim margin): He Who fights With Monsters by Shirtaloon

      Best full audio production (sound effects, music, full cast, etc): The Sandman by Neil Gaimen

      Also seconding Fantasticland that u/booksandpanties mentioned

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