September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been trying to find books I actually like, but I'm very picky.
    Here's a book I like, and why I like it: "Christie Malry's Own Double Entry", by B.S. Johnson
    I really enjoyed his humor, pretention, and acknowledgement of his choices. I also enjoyed his voice when it came to setting a tone/environment while still being direct.
    What I'm looking for in a book is for it to be confident in it's prose and voice, and for it to tell a story it thinks is important. It would also be a bonus
    If it's by a female author, and has a woman lead and showcases queer relationships. I have very little preference for genre, and happy/sad endings. But I'm no fan of memoirs, historical fictions or nonfiction.

    Thanks for reading.

    by WalkingGyoker

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