September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not exactly sure what I should try reading, right now.

    There are some things I do enjoy, but I believe that they are rather disjointed.

    Perhaps dysfunctional family relationships. Surprising emotions. Dramatic prose. Addiction? To substances or something. Rotten friendships. Boarding school or something similar? Being stuck somewhere that isn’t a physical prison/jail. Reckless behavior.

    Not too interested in romance right now.

    A fictional book for sure. Preferably modern day. 100 – 300 pages, if possible. I really want to start making a habit of reading actual books to interact with the ideas of others.

    I want something that will keep my mind occupied, engaged.

    Also, I would really prefer that the book has no sexual content or a least a small amount of it, if it’s unavoidable.

    by yourheartt

    1 Comment

    1. Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney!! Or really anything by Sally Rooney. Her new book Intermezzo is out on Sept. 24 and it’s highly anticipated, check her out!

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