September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone!

    I used to read a lot as a kid/teen. Then social media and university, grad school, jobs and adulthood happened.

    And I just used to have so much more spark for life. Seeing the good side of things, of people, possibilities. I imigrated 3 years ago and I feel that that joyful hopeful person got lost along the way. And I find really hard to find that back.

    So I wanted to go back to the little things that made me happy and made me seeing life through hopeful lens.

    So what books would you recommend me that while you were reading and after you had that feeling of like, “damn, life is good, there is just so much to live and experience”?

    Looking forward to your suggestions 🫶🏻

    by GroundbreakingSale45

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