September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, it's Novi here! I just joined reddit and I'm still figuring out how this works, pardon me.

    I've just recently read Powerless by Lauren Roberts, and I think it's been the first book I've been able to finish in three days, immediately holding the book to my face each morning I wake up. I've just bought the sequel for that book too, Reckless. But I've been wondering, are there any other good books that feel like this one? I loved the slow burn, the banter, the characters, and the ending left me in shambles for a couple of days (since I tend to hyperfixate)

    Another book I really likes happens to be The cousins by Karen M Mcmanus, and even though I tried reading her book One of us is lying, it never clicked with me like The cousins did.

    by Exquisitely_Novish

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