September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read a LOT when I was a kid and teen I was always a big reader. I’m now 29, I really fell out of reading as an adult because I feel like I’m addicted to my phone and tv and nothing holds my attention anymore. I’ll start a book and it’s really hard for me to not get bored. If there’s one boring chapter it’s so hard to pick up the book again.

    I read the hunger games series and it’s the first time since I was a teen that I was HOOKED. I loved that every chapter ends on the most insane cliffhanger, there’s a lot of action and the violence is cool, there’s wild stuff happening constantly, it’s never boring. I also love a good little sprinkle of romance but it’s not really necessary.

    Any books you’d recommend to keep me hooked like hunger games did? Not asking for a similar plot or themes, not looking for YA but I don’t mind if it is, I just need something epic and exciting to get me back into reading.

    by happyflowermom

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