September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. CompoteStriking2585 on

      I was gonna say Easter of Eden but The Road is top of my mind by Cormac MacCarthy. The relationship between the father/son is so well done in this book, I don’t wanna spoil anything but if you’ve recently had kids it’s unbelievable. And I found it to be a much easier read than his other works, as well as being fairly short so it’s not a huge time commitment.

    2. Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card

      It’s the sequel to Ender’s Game. The book is about a research team on an alien planet that has found the first intelligent life in the universe after the buggers and humanity. However, one of the researchers has been brutally murdered by the aliens, and the research team doesn’t understand why. And therein lies the mystery.

    3. Early_Elevator9355 on

      I haven’t read anything yet that would be absolute best book to me, but here’s the one that is close to it

      The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Eréndira and Her Heartless Grandmother by Gabriel García Márquez. This is a short story and not a book and the title speaks for itself. But in a little more detail: the grandmother forced her 14-year-old granddaughter, Erendiry, to become a prostitute in order to pay off the debt. There are also interesting moments with Latin America’s mythology

    4. BackgroundSpring2230 on

      Any Human Heart by William Boyd is my all time favourite! A close second would be The Heart’s Invisible Furies (which is somehow heartbreaking yet hilarious at the same time)

    5. Oh, picking a favourite book is how I imagine picking a favourite child would be ( if I had more than one lol ). One of my all time favourites has to be “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brönte. It’s brilliant and has everything : a darkly brooding antagonist, hauntings, love triangles , revenge , mystery. It’s based on the Earnshaw and Linton families , landed gentry on the Yorkshire moors, the story told by a narrator , Ellen, who worked as a domestic for the families for over 30 years. It centres on the doomed , star crossed romance of Healthcliff , a foundling informally adopted into the Earnshaw family , and Catherine Earnshaw , the family’s daughter. The Lintons live in an estate a few miles from the Earnshaws and are more refined than they are . Edgar Linton , the son , courts Catherine. Heathcliff is maltreated by his household and vows revenge-which he gets. I won’t say any more as it would ruin it if you haven’t read it or seen the films.

    6. A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult. It’s about a gunman holding a few people hostage in an abortion clinic. The story switches narrators each chapter between the different characters. It’s a socially polarizing story, but so dynamic

    7. Traditional_Rock_210 on

      It’s hard to choose just one, but so far this year I have 2:

      Beartown by Fredrik Backman – about a small town and community who have to overcome a variety of challenges to save the local hockey club. Even though it’s “about hockey” it’s not really about hockey. It’s truly a story about people, their hopes and dreams, hurdles, and the choices they make. Backman has the most intimate understanding of people that I’ve ever read and I think about these characters daily. I would also recommend Anxious People by Backman (a bit more upbeat and a standalone so less of a commitment but still phenomenal)

      Piranesi by Susanna Clarke – This book is hard to describe. It’s more about the feeling it gave me. I actually recommend going into this book blind. Just trust the process. I’ve never read anything like it, and will forever be chasing the same feeling this book gave me. (Also a pretty short read and a standalone)

      Honorary mention:

      The God of the Woods by Liz Moore – one of the best mysteries I’ve read in a long time. Set in the Adirondack mountains, a dual timeline about two separate missing persons cases. Again, this book is about the execution. Fantastic.

    8. random_bubblegum on

      What type of movies and tv shows you like? You could start by a book with the same genre or theme.

      Also graphic novels are a great way to get into books. And/or audiobooks.

    9. The Stand – Stephen King

      The Truth – Sir Terry Pratchett

      Breakfast at Tiffany’s -Truman Capote

      Ask me tomorrow and it’ll be different

    10. Seven pillars of wisdom by T. E. Lawrence is the best book I have ever read. It is a true war story. The movie that they made is called Lawrence of Arabia.

    11. 1. One Hundred Years Of Solitude
      I cannot even put to words the feelings I have for this book. The audiobook on Audible is amazing.

      2. The Emperor Of All Maladies
      Cancer. That’s what the book is about. While some readers might find it a rad bit long, I found every bit of it delectable. The best non-fiction book I have ever read. That one disease that has plagued human life since eternity is so difficult to not just cure but to even understand. Siddharth Mukherjee did the world a favor by putting this marvelous tome down.

    12. My favorite book is Matilda by Roald Dahl.

      I do not know if I can pick a book that is objectively the best.

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