September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I am planning a project where I will need to go through Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Mythology/ Creation myths before going into the main topics for other things. So I am looking for 3 books (1 for Chinese, 1 for Korean, and 1 for Japanese) that I can read to brush up on those stories.

    I am paralyzed by the various options, and I am finding it difficult to find a book that have what I am looking for. Some are more encyclopedia type books on monsters, and others are modern retelling with modern spin which I am not really looking for.

    So to clarify, I am not looking for some modern fiction fantasy Chinese/ Korean/Japanese myth type series like a Percy Jackson fantasy series kind of thing.

    I'm looking for a book that retells the story as a native person would remember them if that makes sense. More like Stephen Fry's retelling of Ancient Greek mythology of Saturn, Gaia, Zeus, Greek Heroes, etc.

    Like how in Japanese myth, the world was created in their world view with their deities and heros, etc . Stories like how Amaterasu hid in a cave after being angered by her brother etc.

    Or Chinese creation and other myths like how the yellow/ jade emperor became a thing and the heroes like Yi the archer, etc.

    I would greatly appreciate your help!

    by wha2les

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