September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Never read anything by Taylor Adam's before. I picked this up on a whim, and ended up really loving it.

    I think the writing itself was pretty good, and I love how many twists there were in the story.

    I really thought I had it all figured out, and while some of my predictions were right there were so many things I didn't anticipate.

    I think Emma as a character was great, and seemed realistic. I loved that she was kind of antisocial, and her relationship with Laika was adorable. I was also a big fan of the fact that she wasn't a character who was scared of dying. I thought that made the struggle throughout the story more interesting.

    Would love to hear from others who have read it, or others who have read anything by Taylor Adams. I'm debating on picking up other books from him, and would to know if all the books are similar to The Last Word.

    by YearOneTeach

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