September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all!! I was curious if anyone had really awesome non fiction book suggestions! I want to educate and learn more on topics like feminism, oppression, stuff the US education system hides from you, spirituality, overcoming trauma, black history, how the world was actually built up with, socialism, lgbtq+, classism, racism, global warming, exploitation, how the global network of capital separates the worker from means of production, self actualization, super deep like thought provoking stuff, ego death, experiences in depression and suicidal ideation.

    Also just a quick note of my background. I’m Japanese but I can’t read kanji very well because I grew up in America. Any English books about how depressing and terrible Japanese society is would be super cool! I know about it but I want to like sink into it if you know what I mean.

    I apologize for making this post so long and I bet you guys already get the gist haha
    I just want to learn more about people, truth and experiences. I really appreciate you for stopping by! Thank you!

    by gloomyzzzz


    1. Just a few off the top of my head:

      Thinking Fast and Slow

      Bad Science

      If this is a man


      People of the Abyss

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