November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To begin, I'm not a well-read person anyways. For much of my life, I think I could count on my two hands how many books I'd read. And I believe that I generally prefer non-fiction because these are books that are set in a world that I know. Most fiction, I have to learn about a new world, even the ones set in "the real world." If it reads like fan fiction, it also won't interest me. Which is funny, because I did read a book once that smashed Star Trek and X-Men together. The author liked pointing out how similar Picard and Xavier looked.

    This year alone, I've gone through at least 20 books. Granted, it's pretty much all been listening while I'm working, but I feel like I'm becoming a voracious reader. I'll look forward to doing some work alone because that means I can listen to a book. Typically, I've been an avid music listener, but ever since January or February (a period of time in which I worked a lot on my own), I've just been looking forward to listening to books. And while several were non-fiction, I did end up effortlessly finishing many books of fiction. Namely, and this is crazy for me, Discworld books. Fantasy is so hard for me to get into. And it really wasn't much easier for me when I started the Colour of Magic (Book 1), I kinda had to push through it. Even though I couldn't keep up with the world-building too well, the fact that there wasn't romance or world-saving central to the plot did intrigue me. I liked that it was a relatively reluctant hero who was doing nothing for the sake of heroing. In fact, a wizard who wasn't doing much wizarding was probably one of the biggest factors in why I finished it. Then, there was the ending. Knowing that there so many more books just set in this world, I thought about the fact that the two main characters would surface much later and looked forward to it. Then the next book literally was them again, and I was a bit deflated about that. I managed to finish that one, but then I didn't listen to another Discworld book until early this year. For whatever reason, I decided I needed to get back into the Discworld books. I got to Lords and Ladies (Book 14) before I had used up all my Audible credits.

    Most recently, I finished a book written in the 30's called Brave New World. I found that to be an intriguing read too, and I've begun 1984 because everyone who talks about Brave New World always brings up 1984, so I feel obligated.

    I wonder if there are others who don't like fiction but have a book or two of fiction that they found they enjoyed. I still don't just love fiction entirely, there have been a couple that I listened to and didn't like, I'd love to know what other people have gotten into. Maybe historical fiction is easy to get into?

    TL;DR: Don't like fiction, but I'm enjoying fiction.

    by violentpac

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