When I was little I would read these light fantasy novels that all had a somewhat autumnal vibe to them. There was one series about a family of four girls in an old mansion in the English countryside who had magic powers related to the four elements, and their evil aunt with five dead husbands wanted to… steal their magic or something. There was another series about a couple of friends in a slightly magical academy running around the nearby village to solve a murder that took place at their school twenty years ago. Or something about a boy who could see ghosts through one of his eyes, and ended up making friends with a ghost boy and a grown up ghost bureaucrat to solve an afterlife mystery, set in lots of old village churches and theatres and libraries…
I know these are all children’s books but it was nice how back then the world would fill up with all this hidden magic and all these little secrets and conspiracies and whispers as soon as the weather got colder and you stayed inside to read more.
Do any books like that exist for adults? It would be nice to have the world feel as magical once again. Doesn’t have to be fantasy, mystery etc scratches the same itch.
(Disclaimer: I’ve already read the Shadow of the Wind books)
by millers_left_shoe