I (34m) have 7 expiring Audible credits and already have a decent collection so I am not sure what to use them on. Would appreciate some suggestions. Fiction preferred but don’t mind an interesting non fiction on occasion. Sci-Fi is a favorite. Otherwise a good narrator is key as a bad one can ruin the experience. Thanks in advance!
by Disastrous_Okra9968
Two trilogies of audiobooks from Audible with narrators I loved, both YA pandemic books but completely different:
{{ The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe }} starts the first one, quiet Canadian island quarantine.
{{ Contagion by Teri Terry }} starts the second one, rapid spread of unnatural disease through Scotland and England.
The Dungeon Crawler Carl books by Matt Dinnamin. The narration is amazing. Love the audiobooks.
Non-fiction **What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions** by Randall Munroe. Narrated by Wil Wheaton
It consists of a series of questions on pop-sci and pop-culture, each answered in one or two paragraphs. The answers are hilarious in a dry-humored way.
An example question is: What would happen if you hit a baseball pitched at 90% of the speed of light?
Max Tegmark’s speculative non-fiction **Life 3.0** presents the spectrum of futures mankind is facing due to the ascent of artificial intelligence. He’s a physics professor and leans heavily into the ‘how’ it could occur.
I haven’t heard it on audio. The book has a number of illustrative images and the lack of them on audio may reduce the benefit of listening to it.