November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im (35) going through a phase in my life right now where I feel like I've reached a slump. I used to be the typical A-type personality when I was younger with several achievements early on and I feel like I was ahead of my peers. Now, I feel like I'm going through a mix of existential crisis, meaning making, quarter life crisis, etc.

    Im looking for a book in case any of you have come across the same that will help me plan where I want to go next. In a perfect world, a life map of some sort that helps you reflect your direction across multiple facets of your life – some sort of a life audit that challenges you to relook at your life but my question is how and in what way?

    I know there are several books on the topic but I'm hoping to look for a book that's more actionable than theoretical/philosophical. I don't want to do an Eat, Pray, Love kind of thing.

    I just read "The Power of Regret" by Daniel Pink which I think was an excellent step as it helped me address issues that have been holding me back. I know to a certain extent that my disposition is affected by all the WHAT IFS that I didn't do.

    Now I'm reading "Designing Your Life" by Burnett and Adams and I think it's a good book with exercises and all that which I love but the authors' angle is leaning towards "design thinking" which I don't resonate with much (I'm more of a left brain than right).

    Any recos about life planning will be extremly helpful and I think at some point folks who come across this thread and are going through the same would benefit a lot.

    Thank you!

    by kaswistry

    1 Comment

    1. I don’t know what part of ”life” you are struggling with, or if it is a general feeling.
      Work related I would suggest ”The Good Enough Job”, otherwise a more life in general ”Why has nobody told me this before ”. These have given myself guidance in times of confusion or when the internal compas has been spinning all around instead of pointing north, so to speak 🙂

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