Hi all! I'm only just recently hopping into the world of books, and I have a great love for whimsical fantasy. I am, however, a bit picky with the fantasy genre. I'm desperately looking for a fantasy that is uniquely atmospheric, and completely draws you in with the imaginative scenery. To be more specific, I'm looking for something "fairy"-esque, or something along the lines of Alice in Wonderland, with talking creatures and uniquely beautiful settings. Something almost innocent in nature, if that makes sense!
I hope that this gives a rough idea of what I'm looking for. It's a bit hard for me to put on paper what I'm searching for, since I don't have much point of reference/knowledgable comparison.
Please let me know if further elaboration would be of use. Thank you all in advance! 🙂
by honeibun
1 Comment
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip and The Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle are I think exactly what you’re looking for.