This may be unobtainable, but let's try it.
I love to read non fiction, I generally love learning new things. However, in trying to change my habits, I want to start reading before bed (instead of watching TBBT for the 20th time – no exaggeration).
I have tried it before, but I am very easily stimulated, be it by fiction or even facts, and always want to find out more, and then the head starts spinning up instead of down.
Essentially, what I am looking for is a book about some sort of wholesome (read: non dramatic, non frightening) adventure or exploration, that still manages to share real facts about the world.
One example could be: A book about a penguin locked inside an Art museum, trying to make sense of the paintings, while learning about world history that way, and the reader learning about penguins too (if this book doesn't exist yet, it definitely should).
Is there anything like that out there?
by brian-the-porpoise