Hello! I’ve found myself interested in writing a book but I unfortunately think it’s difficult to commit myself to actually reading a book. Even if a book is good, I have a tendency to drop them due to a lack of discipline. But I plan to change that in order to get better at writing!
I’ve written a list of some classics and some books I’ve heard people enjoyed. So far I have listed:
Coraline, Crime and Punishment, Dracula, H.P Lovecraft’s short stories, Lolita, Picture of Dorian Grey, Poppy War, Red Rising, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Twisted Love
I am actively reading (going to get back into) the ASOIAF series and The Song of Achilles.
I tried to get into The Cruel Prince but first person POV and little descriptions made me drop it.
I included a list of classics as I know they are well received but I really enjoy thorough descriptions for pretty much everything in a book, fantasy, especially high fantasy novels and very personal explorations of weaknesses of MCs. Please let me know any books you’ve enjoyed 🙂 !!
by Tiger_Illustrated
1 Comment
I have lots of horror recommendations if that’s something you’re needing more of!