Looking for suggestions on books about navigating life alone/ embracing solitude. Don't feel like I have anyone in my life I'm truly close with and it's been this way since my best friend passed away years ago. Family is either dead or dying and the loneliness is overwhelming. Thank you in advance!
by writing-human17
Solitude: A Return to the Self by Anthony Storr. Old, but insightful and easy to read, not terribly self-helpy. I really liked it.
I don’t have a book rec but I hope you can find joy in solitude or that you find a friend, whichever would be preferred. I believe we go through times of loneliness and times of social abundance, and neither are forever.
seek you: a journey through american loneliness.
this is a graphic novel and it has a profound effect on me i suggest you read it.
Norwegian wood by Haruki murakami. Best book to ever exist.