September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know this was a very popular and talked-about book when it first came out, so I finally got around to reading it. Some of the reviews in Goodreads seemed not to like it and, at first, I was so thrown-off by the bizarre writing style that I felt where they were coming from, but it really grew on me.

    The characters, storyline, and themes were all great- really loved the ending – but I guess I'm still not sure why he chose to write it the way he did. Any insight? Like I said, I liked the style it by the end, but I am wondering if I missed some major benefit or flare it added to the story, or if he just did it because he felt like it.

    Also can we talk about what happened to the Reverend?! I am assuming he was saved in the end because he sacrificed himself for Willie but how can we be sure?! I was really hoping for at least an extra line of Rev. seeing the light at the end of the tunnel or something, but now I might stress about it for the rest of my life :')

    by meags_13

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