November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The title sounds weird but hear me out for a second.

    I just had an interesting thought after reading a comment in another reading sub where someone wrote that they DNF'd a book sometimes even after reading the first sentence. That totally blew my mind because I have more than once forced myself to finish a book that I really didn't like just for the sake of, I don't even know, having given it all the chances to convince me otherwise? Other than that, I rarely DNF before 30-40%.

    Anyways, most of the books that I read I would give around a 3/5 stars and that's kind of disappointing. Now I really wonder though if anyone of you has changed their DNF habit and achieved a better "success rate" at coming across good books? Trying more books could theoretically lead to having better chances at books you love but then again, maybe not.

    So has anyone of you changed from a rage reader to a quick DNF'er or vice versa and noticed something in this regard?

    by Primary-Plantain-758

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