September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've run out of time to pick up a book in the local shop before I go on holiday so I'm relying on the small bookshop in the airport to grab something on the way out.

    My favourite author is Vonnegut, I've loved everything I've read of his. I've also read quite a bit of Arthur C Clarke, Cormac McCarthy and Haruki Murakami. The last book I read that I loved was Piranesi by Susannah Clarke (which also reminded me of Murakami's Hardboiled Wonderland).

    I want something that's unusual or takes me places I'm not expecting. Something that isn't too dry, it has a bit of a sense of humour. I lean towards Sci Fi but it doesn't have to be that but I guess it has to be popular/new enough for a small airport to have it in stock.

    Any ideas welcome!

    by cowegonnabechopps

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