September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for books that capture the feel or experience of this passage from A Prayer for Crown-Shy:

    “It was al­ways a strange thing, com­ing home. Com­ing home meant that you had, at one point, left it and, in doing so, ir­re­versibly changed. How odd, then, to be able to re­turn to a place that would al­ways be an­chored in your no­tion of the past. How could this place still be there, if the you that once lived there no longer ex­isted? Yet at the same time, in com­plete con­tra­dic­tion, see­ing that said place had changed in your ab­sence was noth­ing if not sur­real.”

    I don’t necessarily care if it’s the same genre/setting/whatever as crown shy, but I’m not opposed.

    by getthething

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