September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In the book, Ryle physically abuses Lily on multiple accounts: he pushes her down the stairs, bites her, and ATTEMPTS TO RAPE HER. And after Lily gets pregnant and gives birth to her daughter, she LETS RYLE SEE THE DAUGHTER AND CO-PARENT HER.

    In WHAT world is that okay??? He almost raped his daughter's mother for god's sake!!! Why on earth would Lily continue to speak to him normally (even if it wasnt often) and let him see her daughter? HE TRIED TO RAPE HER.

    Very very angry with this story. Super depressing ending. "Oh but the point was that Lily wanted to give him anotger chance to be a better person 🥺" Rapists and abusive ex husbands do NOT deserve a second chance.

    I rate this book an EW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS/ out of 5.

    by lisawisaw


    1. Leather_Certain on

      Because, as it was explained on the book, it doesn’t mean he will abuse his daughter.

    2. CoffeeB4Talkie on

      Lol. I haven’t read this one. And thanks for the heads up, because now I won’t. 

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