September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished Trainspotting and absolutely loved the grimey-ness of it. I’ve tried to pick up a couple other books but I think at the moment I want something that’s also funny and dark. Maybe not quite as dark as some of the topics it gets into, but still something with quite a lot of humour and also focuses on working class people (I’m working class and just in the mood for that right now) as opposed to upper or middle class. Can anyone help? Thank you!

    by cigbuttskincare


    1. Trainspotting has a sequel called Porno, but I don’t know if it’s any good

      For something lighter but similar, try The Commitments by Roddy Doyle, which is about an Irish soul band

    2. fromaways-hfx on

      Sounds like we have a similar taste in books, so some suggestions. Not all are similar in style, but they have a similar misanthropic, we’re-all-fucked-aren’t-we vibe to them.

      Maribou Stork Nightmares by Irvine Welsh
      Skag Boys by Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting prequel. As good, imo)
      Young Team by Graeme Armstrong (very Welsh-y)
      Kill Your Friends by John Niven
      City of Bohane by Kevin Barry
      Women by Bukowski
      Fraction of a Whole by Steve Toltz

    3. Skagboys is the prequel to Trainspotting and is excellent, as is Glue also by IW, some overlapping characters appear in various books. His later stuff isn’t as good imho. I echo the Roddy Doyle suggestion.

    4. Practical_Arrival696 on

      Porno, Filth, Glue and Skagboys are the next best Irvine Welsh books IMO.

      Others have suggested a few good books I’ve also read… I’d add The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks… Requiem for a Dream or Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Shelby Jr…. Most things by Cormac McCarthy.

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