September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just read Slaughterhouse Five and thought it was absolutely genius. Because my library happened to have a copy of the graphic novel as well, I went and read it immediately after. I was really surprised at how incredible it was. A lot of graphic novel adaptations of books have the fundamental problem of being essentially a book's narrative crammed into boxes with some pictures. It's pretty rare to find a graphic novel adaptation that feels like it is truly at home in the medium. But reading this graphic novel makes me feel like Slaughterhouse Five was always meant to be a graphic novel.

    The format is perfect for the back and forth time travel. The transitions between time periods are very creatively illustrated in a way that reflects Billy's mental state. The art is also just really good, with a distinctive and lively style. I really liked all the character designs.

    I think Slaughterhouse Five is also just a great read in the present day. WW2 is often thought of as a "good war", but this challenges that assumption and thus the idea that any war can be a good war. The description of a city full of civilians pointlessly bombed is especially chilling.

    by moss42069

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