September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I have been on a bit of a book hiatus since college. Lately however my fiancé recommended me to try again and liked this book!

    I wouldn't say loved, but enjoyed it for getting me reading again.

    I enjoyed the thriller aspect it had, and the nature part of it as well. Not being "just a murder mystary" but also contained those elements.

    I picked up "Dead Mountain" by Preston & Child but didn't realized it was a 4 part series.

    Other books I liked from memory.

    John dies at the end – David Wong, want to re read it because of just how wacky it was. But remember enjoying it.

    Beartown – Fredrick Backman, I liked this one reading it in highschool. The characters and setting were done well for me.

    Basically looking for something similar to what I read, a thriller in a scene of nature, idk really just excited to read again!

    Edit: author is supposed to be Megan Miranda*

    by Global-Wind6878

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