September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My 13 yo loves to be read aloud to or to listen to audiobooks. He listens to YA/ adult fiction. Some of his favorites are Ender's Game, The Golden Compass, The Riddle, Hollow Kingdom, Wee Free Men, The Hunger Games, and Drowning. However, his ability to READ is far behind his ability to listen. He reads more at a the third or fourth grade level. He tells me he has NEVER gotten lost in a story that he is reading the way he does when he is listening. I would love some suggestions of books he could read that would be at his reading level and would also catch his imagination. Please help!

    by tippytoemammoth


    1. Formal_Instance_544 on

      I’ve been reading the Earthsea novels recently. They’re beautifully written, and relatively short too which might help keep him interested. The hobbit is also a great choice

      But I’d also say there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him preferring audiobooks to regular books

    2. I really enjoyed Nothing To See Here by Kevin Wilson.

      Two kind of strange kids have an idea to put a poster around their town. It starts off as the sort of nonsensical yet pretentious thing teenagers are apt to do. But people take the messaging of the poster very serious and it becomes a national sensation with consequences far, far beyond what they could have imagined.

      He can read the physical book or listen to it. It’s not especially difficult at all.

    3. ilikethedaffodils on

      Michelle Paver’s Wolf Brother series. Or, look out for stuff from Barrington Stoke publishing which specialises in books that are adult/YA plots but with less complex language and dyslexic friendly fonts. Would also agree that audiobooks are fab.

    4. ohcoffeedragon on

      Maybe something like Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter?

      Or comic books? Many comic books are visually stunning so he would get a bonus that’s not available in audio

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