September 2024
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    How is your relationship as a bookreader when it comes to fanfiction?
    I myself am a big fan of fanfiction, love reading it almost as much as I love reading real books – and sometimes even more. Of course there is not a lot of fanfiction for more unknown books but I still love looking for some and it is for me always part of the whole reading experience, an essential part I would say. Sometimes when I am reading a book I already look foreward to looking for some fanfiction.
    So, how do you feel about fanfiction? Do you also love looking for some? Do you dislike it and focus more on 'real' books? Or even never have read any kind of fanfiction?

    by _Queen_of_Fandoms_


    1. FanFiction can be hit or miss and take time finding a quality story. However, when you do I feel it is on par or exceeds the quality of ones commercially produced because the writer is personally invested into the fandom and its unhindered by restraints by the corporate overlords.

    2. TarikeNimeshab on

      Until a few years ago I used to read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. But I eventually ran out of decent fics to read, so I stopped reading them and nowadays I just read books. Those were fun times. I still have a collection of my most favorite HP fics and on rare occasions I re-read one.

    3. cleanthequeen on

      I used to really love it but I kind of grew out of the writing level of a lot of authors and it became too much of a chore to weed through fics to find something compelling. I’m also not in a lot of “fandoms” anymore. But I’m still a huge supporter of the art-form and find it to be a huge addition to our literary landscape.

    4. Low_Rough2208 on

      Fanfiction can be a total game-changer for extending the universe of a favorite book, anyone else find it more fun than the original sometimes?

    5. BulbasaurusThe7th on

      Mh. Not really into it, to be honest.
      I don’t see the point in “like X story, but make them high school students and also gay and also musicians”. I just prefer looking for a new book that fits my specifications. Especially because I have a ridiculous number of books I want to read.

      That’s just my opinion, but I don’t feel it’s for me to have a story I like, but changed around. If I would prefer it that way, then it’s not a favourite, but a 4 star read and just leave it at that.

    6. Mountain-Cover3799 on

      I wrote a fanfiction novel called tears of blood of the Chucky franchise. One of the actors has it. It’s on Wattpad 

    7. nyet-marionetka on

      I read both, but normally stick to huge fandoms, which are primarily TV/movie. Stuff like MCU, Supernatural, etc. I like novella length, plot-heavy stuff, so need *a lot* of fics to filter through to get anything good. I have read a good bit of Harry Potter fic.

      There is some good stuff for MurderBot, interestingly.

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