September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My local library does a summer reading bingo challenge every year. It’s always so much fun and gets me reading books that I sometimes wouldn’t have picked up on my own. I’ve got most of the bingo squares covered, but I’m having some trouble finding books for a few of them. Any help is appreciated! I’ll make a comment with the entire list of reading challenges if you’re curious what the others are.

    Read a book about your ancestors – My ancestry contains Swedish and Amish people. I’d love to read about one of those. It can be fiction or non-fiction. Maybe something cook about Vikings?

    Read a book dealing with colonization – I am specifically curious about the first colonizers in Virginia and North Carolina. If there are any books not written from the white colonizer perspective about this area, I’d be very interested in that.

    Read a book with a rock or mineral title – this can literally contain the words “rock” or “mineral” or have some type of rock or mineral in the title. I’ve read some dense books and some stinkers lately, so if there are any fast-paced dramas or thrillers, that would be especially great.

    by sjdragonfly

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