September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! Thank you in advance to those who'll comment 🙂

    [ 3rd person limited preferred but 3rd person omniscient and character POV switching as long as it's still in 3rd person style are okay ]

    I used to read often but haven't read anything in years now. Looking back at the stuff I previously read and the ones on my old plan-to-read, I noticed that most of them were written in first person. I wanna to try something else especially because I wanna try writing.

    I'm mostly looking for literary classics (any language as long as there's an English translation) of any genre. It's not required but other genres (not necessarily classics) I'm looking for are: horror (any type), psychological thriller, mystery, and action. Novels with disturbing subjects, sexual content, or LGBT are okay. For action fiction, it's mostly because I'm curious how good fight scenes are written + I haven't read a lot of action yet.

    Please none of the following: speculative fiction (especially lore-heavy ones), book series, Austen, Christie, Fitzgerald, YA, Colleen Hoover and "booktok" romances, light novels, danmei and the like, long novels exceeding ~150k words, "complex" reads like Joyce/Mc Carthy/etc, "experimental" like House of Leaves/The Stream of Life/etc, epistolary

    The mentioned classic authors are because I read them already.

    I dunno if this will help but some of my favorite books are The Stream of Life by Lispector, Lolita by Nabokov, Metamorphosis by Kafka, and Naomi by Tanizaki. Though as much as I enjoyed those, I'm not looking for similar writing styles or structure.

    by ghost_snail

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