September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for stuff that maybe goes against the generally accepted narrative or explains things that many people don’t realize or know about. An example of what I am talking about is How to Hide an Empire by Daniel Immerwahr. That book really opened my eyes to the reality of the US’s actions throughout its history and how it contrasts against the general view of America I’ve been fed. I’m looking for stuff that will similarly make me view things differently

    by jbearclaw12


    1. Scuttling-Claws on

      The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

      Boomtown by Sam Anderson

      The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow

    2. novel-opinions on

      {{Weapons of Math Destruction by Cathy O’Neil}}; how algorithms rule our lives

      {{How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them by Barbara F. Walter}}; opened my eyes to the fact that the US is no longer the world’s longest running democracy:

      > In 2019, after Trump refused to cooperate with Congress, especially during its impeachment inquiry, America’s democracy score dropped to a +7….As he reached the end of his term, he sowed distrust in the election by undermining voting by mail. He then questioned the peaceful transfer of power, a hallmark of American democracy, and attempted to overturn the results of the election. This led to America’s polity score dropping from a +7 to a +5, the lowest score since 1800.

      > The United States became an anocracy for the first time in more than two hundred years. Let that sink in. We are no longer the world’s oldest continuous democracy. That honor is now held by Switzerland, followed by New Zealand, and then Canada. We are no longer a peer to nations like Canada, Costa Rica, and Japan, which are all rated a +10 on the polity index.

    3. Fluid_Exercise on

      Washington Bullets by Vijay Prashad

      Capital and Imperialism by Utsa Patnaik

      How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney

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