September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 4 chapters in (Ignatius watching his mother/Mancuso/Santa in the kitchen through the window), and just not really "getting into it" or finding it funny. I don't know that I "can't", but I've never been into stories before with no characters that I could identify on some level, or that I didn't find funny.

    Most discussion here seems to show that everyone finds it hilarious, but maybe I'm just not to that point yet. Do most find the humor in laughing at the idiocy of the characters and the situations they get into?

    Should I stick it out a bit longer, or just put the book down?

    How far into the book were you before you were hooked, or decided to put it down?

    edit: in case it's relevant to the style of humor, my favorite "comedic" writers: Pratchett, Vonnegut and Douglas Adams.

    by deep_blue_au


    1. FruitcakeBeast on

      I enjoyed the book okay but never found it funny. I think the tone remains the same throughout, so if you hate it already, I think you can safely quit it. 

    2. I ended up skimming several chunks of it and overall hated it. I can see the value of using excerpts to illustrate writing in dialect, but did not enjoy reading the entire work.

    3. I hate this book so much. Did finish, my buddy who was doing a later in life crit lit degree blew so much smoke up my ass about how it was funny, in the end it just felt mean to the sort of guy who is the main character.

    4. superdupermensch on

      Has he manned the hot dog cart yet?

      And the cop being demoted to minding the dive bars?

      Wait until you see the big gay communist party.

      And Jones! Love Jones.

      Ever been to New Orleans?

    5. bottle-of-smoke on

      I read it about 50 years ago and thought it was a very funny book.

      I have no idea how it has aged. It was a book of its times.

      Sorry that’s all I’ve got. I’d keep reading.

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