September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I enjoy stories where there is a huge difference in a couple's societal positions.

    Real world settings can facilitate this by economic disparities (rich vs poor), or class disparities (noble vs commoner).

    Fantasy and sci-fi can also facilitate this with inter-species relationships etc.

    I enjoy when novels focus on the struggles this brings, and where this relationship disparity is part of a believable and well thought out society. I don't care about the gender of the MC or orientation of the couple.

    With this in mind, please suggest me a book. The wider the disparity, the better!

    by SnooEpiphanies5959


    1. gender_eu404ia on

      The Lily and the Crown by Roslyn Sinclair – Romance between a young noblewoman and her (unwanted) slave. Edit: should’ve clarified this is in a sci-fi setting.

      Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner – Romance between two professional soccer players, one is a poor rookie from nowhere town who has to work as a second job waitressing to pay the bills, the other is a decade long veteran who’s played in multiple World Cups and has many sponsorships and endorsement deals.

      Scatter by Molly J Bragg – An old super powerful alien and regular woman, also more things that make their position unequal, but that would be spoiling. (The fourth book in the same series is between a regular woman and a 2000 year old billionaire dragon.)

      The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur – a wealthy heiress and a semi-orphaned bookshop manager.

    2. TheWatcherInTheLake on

      Some classics would be *Jane Eyre* by Charlotte Bronte and *Rebecca* by Daphne du Maurier.

    3. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. The book explores the disparities of both disability and class (Male MC is quadriplegic and also very wealthy). Female MC is actually Male MC’s caretaker, which adds another element of power disparity. It was interesting looking at how both MCs have privileges the other doesn’t.

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