September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm a mom to a 10 month-old and I'm still having trouble adapting to my new life. I'm pretty good at considering different life philosophies but I can't generate them from scratch. I'm looking for a book that would help me cultivate more of a service mindset. I need some help being less selfish because I'm still wishing I had more time/freedom for myself and I need to let go of that to not feel resentful. I know this is normal, but I'm hoping it would help me find more gratification in childcare to read a book that shows one's value based on what one does for others or fulfilling ones duty regardless of what one wants. I imagine this would be more likely to come up in nonfiction, but an immersive novel could work too I think.

    P.S. Don't get me wrong, I love my child so much and they're the best baby ever, but it's still hard.

    P.P.S. If you've dealt with this before and read something that helped in a different way, please also feel free to make that rec.

    Thank you!

    by coleeflower3

    1 Comment

    1. RightLocal1356 on

      Although I can’t remember the details, author Madeleine L’Engle has a series of memoirs called the Crosswicks Journals. They are just honest but literary musings on her life as an imperfect person trying to do her best. I found a lot of solace in them when I read them.

      One that I am thinking of rereading now that I’m looking after my ageing mother is {{ The Summer of the Great-Grandmother by Madeleine L’Engle }}. Not quite the same thing but I know I’m doing a lot of thinking about service work and the many forms it takes.

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