September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for books that are very weird in nature, in a sense that they have a very weird plot synopsis, but in an interesting way, it can be a short book, something experimental and psychological! I don't really have any book to compare it to what I'm looking for, but something that gives you the same feeling as looking at a liminal image and imagining yourself being there, it makes you feel uneasy and almost uncanny. Idk if there are any books that fit this type of description tho, but it's worth a try!

    by BlueRaptorLea


    1. gender_eu404ia on

      Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Amrfield the whole thing is weird, but particularly the sections from the “undersea wife” perspective.

      Essentially it’s about a a woman who’s wife is a marine researcher, and goes on what is supposed to be a week long expedition, but it winds up lasting several months and things get real weird when she comes back.

    2. Temporary by Hilary Leichter

      Thrust by Lidia Yuknavitch

      Open Throat by Henry Hoke (fast, lovely read)

      Exit West….by Mohsin Hamid, maybe?

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