September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Please don't post any spoilers if you've read this book as I'm only about halfway through.

    I'm enjoying this book for the most part, it's an interesting premise and the writing isn't bad. I'm curious about the mystery so will continue to the end. However, one thing is driving me absolutely insane. The book is about a group of adults who were once part of a children's TV show coming back together for a reunion podcast. The main character was an 8 year old little girl when her dad took her away and forced her to leave the show, apparently leading to its cancellation.

    All these characters keep blaming her for ending the show, even going so far as physically attacking her… Yet not one person, including the main character, has even once said "uhhhh she was 8… Her dad is the one to blame if anyone is." It's annoying me so bad. That would be the first thing any real person would say. This one small detail is almost enough to ruin the whole book for me. WHY IS NO ONE SAYING IT it makes no sense! And for that matter, why would anyone be blaming an 8 year old in the first place?! How did this get past an editor?

    That's all I guess. If you've read it, did you feel the same way? Without any spoilers, did you finish the book and was it worth it?

    by Burnt-witch2

    1 Comment

    1. There isn’t a way to have this conversation with out spoilers, but come back when you’ve finished it!

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