September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Wasn't a huge reader until recently where I got into Stephen King, now I've torn through his short stories & some of his more popular work (The Shining & It namely). I also read Great Expectations which I enjoyed the prose of immensely however was a little bit slow for my preference. I'm house sitting for the next two weeks at my friends house and they have a selection of books and I was wondering what people would recommend I pick up to expand my taste :)!

    My taste is preferably fiction, however I have enjoyed some non-fiction in the past if it's particularly interesting, and I like good pacing above all else.

    Book list-

    To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee

    Nausea – Jean-Paul Satre

    The Empty Space – Peter Brook

    The Handmaid's tale – Margaret Atwood

    The Master and the Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov (For some reason this one calls to me)

    How To Stop Time – Matt Haig

    The Sun and Her Flowers – Kaur

    We were eight years in power – Ta Nehisi Coates

    The Human Zoo – Desmond Morris

    I intend to buy my own copy after trying a couple chapters to see if its for me.

    Thank you in advance!!

    by chandlerbingbongbing

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