September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Here are my general preferences.
    Mix and match! Tell me if you know something that I would probably like.

    1. Literary fiction – Reflective and a sense of wonder (without being magical) is always welcome. Grounded, clever. Especially have a thing for time jumps and slow reveals. Romantic themes and friendship I like as well. And unexpected but still logical plotlines. Mystery is also fun.
    2. Fantasy – Tried reading Sandersons Mistborn triology but had a hard time getting into it – so much that I put it down after 150 pages. Not to say I didn't like it (I'd probably like it if I continued…) but I found the connection to the characters flat that early on in the book, and that didn't get me hooked at all. So something a bit more character driven in terms of fantasy would be great.
    3. Romance.
    4. Poetry collections – I'm very new to poetry and sometimes find it hard to take in. One writer I find easy to read is of_a_hound on Instagram; it's all so down to earth, intense, still calm and kind of quirky. Could easily read poetry that leans more romantic or positively dreamy as well.
    5. Short stories / short story collections – With short stories I'm open to a wider variety of themes and characters – as they are … well, short! Thriller, horror, mystery, romance, friendship, family, fantasy, fairy tale, dystopian… It doesn't matter, but you can always use my other preferences above as guidelines.
    6. Classics – Since I'm not that well read, I'd love to start with something that I will most definitely like based on what I've written above. Any tips are welcome!

    by Original_Cry_3172

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